Internet of things that do what they’re told
I really loved this talk between Cory Doctorow and Tim O’Reilly The purpose of the IoT is to give humans superpowers A lot of our Internet of Things models proceed from the idea that a human emits a beacon and you gather as much information as you can — often in a very adversarial way…
CrunchBang ‘Detect Disks’ error fixed
Even though I have an almost obscene number of computers, I’ve really been missing having a personal laptop. So I’ve resurrected the IBM Thinkpad T42 that was old when my brother bought it used for school years ago. I had CrunchBang Statler installed on it before, currently trying to update it to CrunchBang Waldorf –…
New Floors!
Putting in our new floors today. Had a lot if help 😉 One room and hallway mostly done, two rooms to go. Edges take far longer than areas with these floating cork planks.
Baby tunes
So, here’s a first for me – a post about a finished project. Well, OK, not finished but in production at least. Friday night the radio in the nursery kicked it. I think the warranty has expired. I’ve been meaning to make a headless RasBMC player anyway, so I distracted the baby with the box…
Project 1 – Nightlight
I made an order late last week from the excellent folks at Spikenzie Labs to replace a fraction of what I lost when I left Diyode and Guelph. Mainly, a new soldering iron and some kits to play with. So now I can finish my extra Codeshields and restart a few projects I’ve been meaning…
We’ve into bigger digs to make room for our growing family. Unfortunately, that no more Diyode, just when I finally have the space to put it to better use 🙁 Along with my already established motion sensor monitor project, I’d like to see something like a wearable temperature sensor – Maybe an Adafruit Gemma with…
First project post
I had been most of the way through a raspberry pi powered motion webcam before christmas, then made a string of mistakes involving a piss-poor card reader and lost all my work. The good news is, rebuilding is going quickly. The new Raspbian image has GPIO, Python and now(!) limited support for hardware MJPEG decoding,…